Images of Others80th Indiana Volunteer
US President Abraham Lincoln |
Definitions: Gen.=General; Gov.=Governor;
Ind.=State of Indiana; Lieut.=rank of
Lieutenant; LOC=US Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division; NARA=U.S. National Archives and Records Administration;
Maj.=rank of Major; Sec.=Secretary; USAMHI = U.S. Army Military History
Institute. |
Soldier Names |
Rank or Title |
Comments & Credits | Relationship to 80th Indiana |
BURNSIDE Ambrose E. |
Maj. Gen. US Army |
Photo of him in his officer's uniform. Courtesy of NARA. |
Commanded Army of the Ohio that 80th served in during the successful fall 1863 campaign to capture Eastern Tennessee. |
JUDAH Henry M. |
Brig. Gen. US Army |
Photo of him in his officer's uniform. Courtesy of LOC. |
Commanded the Division the 80th served in during early stage of the summer 1864 campaign to capture Atlanta, Georgia. Was dismissed for his actions at the battle of Resaca Georgia. |
LINCOLN Abraham |
Pres. USA |
Photo of him in civilian suit, taken November 1863. Courtesy of LOC. |
Commander-in-Chief of US forces, including the Union Army the 80th was part. |
MORTON Oliver P. |
Gov. Ind. |
Drawing of him in a civilian suit. From April 1867 issue of Harper's Weekly. |
Oversaw organization of 80th, commissioned its officers, ordered it to depart Indiana and welcomed it home 3 years later. |
Lieut. Gen. US Army |
Photo of him in his officer's uniform. Courtesy of LOC. |
Commander of 23rd Corps of US Army, which 80th served in during 1864-1865. |
SHERMAN William T. |
Maj. Gen. US Army |
Photo of him in his officer's uniform. Courtesy of LOC. |
Commander of Federal forces, including the 80th, during the May-September 1864 campaign to capture Atlanta, Georgia. |
STANTON Edwin M. |
Sec. of War USA |
Drawing of him in a civilian suit. Date and source unknown. |
At request of Pres. Lincoln, ordered Gov. Morton to form additional regiments, one of which was the 80th. |
THOMAS George H. |
Maj. Gen. US Army |
Photo of him in his officer's uniform. Courtesy of LOC. |
Commanded Federal forces, including the 80th, during successful December 1864 battle at Nashville, Tennessee. |