1865 80th Indiana Volunteer Infantry An American Civil War Regiment |
"Tramp, tramp, tramp, the boys are marching, Cheer up comrades, they will come; And beneath the starry flag we shall breathe the air again, Of the free land in our own beloved home." |
--From the song Tramp! Tramp! Tramp! |
Also included below are quotes from primary and secondary sources that are intended to give insights into what the times, and the soldiers' lives, were like. These quotes have been entered on the date they were written or published (unless otherwise noted) and without changing the original grammar or spelling. Abbreviations used on this page include: Co.=Company; C.S.A.=Confederate States of America; Gen.= General; Ind.=State of Indiana; mi.=miles; Oh.=Ohio; Tenn.=Tennessee; U.S.=United States; Va.=Virginia; and V.R.C.=Veterans Reserve Corps; and '65=1865. The 80th Indiana was formed in response to President Lincoln's call for 300,000 more volunteers for the Federal Army. The 80th left Indiana in September, 1862, and did not return until July, 1865. During that time it marched over 3,700 miles on foot and fought in the states of Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, and North Carolina. Of the roughly 1,000 men who served in it, only 320 were still with the 80th when it came home. Sources: 80th Indiana Regimental and Company Order Books; Report of the Adjutant General of the State of Indiana, Volumes III and IV, 1861-1865 (Indianapolis, Indiana, 1866); and other items as noted.
Dates | Synopsis | Quotes |
Jan. 1 Sunday |
Columbia. Camped at Columbia, Tenn. Transferred to V.R.C. Pvt. Andrew J. White Co. B |
Jan. 2 Monday |
Columbia. Camped at Columbia, Tenn. Transferred to V.R.C. Pvt. William C. McIntire Co. E |
Jan. 3 Tuesday |
Columbia. Marched from Columbia, Tenn., for Waynesborough, Tenn. |
Jan. 4 Wednesday |
New Recruit. Mustered into the Army. Recruit Morris Ford, Co. A Discharged from the Army. Cpl. Robert M. Henry Co. H |
Jan. 5 Thursday |
Jan. 6 Friday |
Jan. 7 Saturday |
Waynesborough. Arrived at Waynesborough in Wayne County, Tenn. |
Jan. 8 Sunday |
Waynesborough. Camped at Waynesborough. |
Jan. 9 Monday |
Arrived Clifton. Marched away from Waynesborough in AM. In PM reached Clifton in Wayne County on the Tennessee River after 10 mi. march. |
Jan. 10 Tuesday |
Clifton. Camped at Clifton. |
Jan. 11 Wednesday |
Clifton. Camped at Clifton. |
Jan. 12 Thursday |
Clifton. Camped at Clifton. |
Jan. 13 Friday |
Clifton. Camped at Clifton. |
Jan. 14 Saturday |
Clifton. Camped at Clifton. |
Jan. 15 Sunday |
Clifton. Camped at Clifton. |
Jan. 16 Monday |
Clifton. Camped at Clifton. |
Jan. 17 Tuesday |
Departed Clifton. Boarded steamboat and departed Clifton, Tenn., enroute to Cincinnati, Oh., via Tennessee and Ohio Rivers. |
Jan. 18 Wednesday |
Jan. 19 Thursday |
Jan. 20 Friday |
Rolling Up the River. |
"On transport Mercury." --Capt. Isum Gwin, commanding Co. D, morning report |
Jan. 21 Saturday |
Jan. 22 Sunday |
Jan. 23 Monday |
Jan. 24 Tuesday |
Arrived Cincinnati. Disembarked from river transport in Cincinnati in AM. Departed in PM to Washington, DC, on Little Miami Railroad. |
Jan. 25 Wednesday |
Jan. 26 Thursday |
Jan. 27 Friday |
Jan. 28 Saturday |
Jan. 29 Sunday |
Washington, DC. Arrived at Washington. Weather very cold. Potomac River frozen over. Spent night in the city. |
Jan. 30 Monday |
Washington, DC. Spent day and night in the city. |
Jan. 31 Tuesday |
Camp Stoneman. Marched across Potomac River 3 mi. to Camp Stoneman, Va. Were issued tents. Camped overnight at Camp Stoneman. |
This page Copyright by Scott Cantwell Meeker of Deep Vee Productions. All Rights Reserved. Created July 2, 2000. Last updated January 1, 2005. |